Staff Wellness, Enrichment and Engagement Team (SWEET)

Cal State East Bay will establish a new administrative committee or team that will focus on enhancing staff engagement, wellness, and belonging by sponsoring a regular schedule of educational and social activities. This new group, called SWEET, will be administered and funded by the Office of the President. The goal should be to make it simple for a large and equitable percentage of Cal State East Bay to benefit from activities and programs to increase the sense of belonging on our campus.


SWEET Events Calendar

2023-2024 Events


Event Info

Weekly Walks 
Every Tuesday at 10am

Meet in front of Einstein's
See Campus Walking Trail Map

Weekly Stretch 
Every Thursday at 11am
Starting 3/21 – 5/17
(except 4/4 for Spring Break)

PE-201A Activity Room
Remember to wear comfortable clothes!

September  Common Read Book Discussion
October  Halloween Potluck
November ✓ ASI's Bountiful Baskets
December ✓ Stress Management and Self-Care (Zoom)

Staff & Faculty Holiday Party
January ✓ Happy New Year!
February ✓ Valentine's Day Cards
March Spring Crafting Event (combined with April)
April 2, 11am-1:30pm
Spring Fun Event (MI/UU Lawn)
Brown Bag Lunch, Tissue Flower Craft, and Egg Hunt with prizes!
May Cooking Demo
June BBQ and Staff Appreciation/Service Awards
Note: For attendance of SWEET events, staff please work with your managers to arrange for time.

 SWEET Members:

  • Tina Avilla, Academic Resources and Planning
  • Fernando Coronado, Facilities
  • Chantal Ebarle, Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
  • Kelley Gove, College of Science Student Services
  • Sheryl Hallinan, Events and Donor Relations
  • Sarah Harris, University Communications & Marketing
  • Balvinder Kumar, Office of the President
  • Karen Ling, Faculty Affairs
  • Ventura Longoria, Facilities
  • Mimi Wall, College of Science

Membership selection process:

Nomination and self-nomination to Office of the President that will select a representative group. Half the members will serve a 2-year term. Half will serve a three-year term, randomly selected. Members may serve two consecutive terms. Employees most recent performance appraisal must be satisfactory and supervisor approval required to be appointed to SWEET.


Approximate time-commitment for SWEET members:

One-hour planning and organizational meeting each month. One-hour open “coffee meeting” (topic determined by SWEET) each month Additional time to plan and implement a half-day staff development symposium per year. 



  • Establish guiding principles, mission, values and high-level priorities for SWEET, in consultation with the President (in year 1)
  • Brainstorm an annual list of topics and internal (no-fee) speakers for monthly coffee meetings
  • Survey staff for their interest in proposed topics annually, working with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research to design and implement an online survey
  • Plan a “launch party” for the group (year 1)
  • Plan an annual half-day staff development symposium (topics, speakers, tracks)
  • Make suggestions for other staff and family events that Cal State East Bay might consider offering
  • Meet twice a year for a conversation with the President about improving general staff engagement (separate from working conditions covered by collective bargaining agreements)


Funding from the Office of the President:

  • $2,500 per year to fund refreshments for monthly coffee meetings
  • $5,000 per year to fund the annual half-day staff development symposium
  • Additional funding for the “launch party” in year 1


Desired outcomes/metrics:

% of total °ÄÃÅһФһÂëÒ»±ØÖÐһФ staff engaged in at least one SWEET activity annually Positive evaluations (survey designed by Office of Institutional Research)

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