Philosophy Society & Listserv

What is the meaning of life? Is there a God? Does romantic love really matter? How does one understand art? Are computers ever conscious? And what exactly is wisdom and why do philosophers love it so? What is philosophical counseling? Can we really help people with philosophy? Questions, questions, questions.... The Philosophy Society offers a place for students to discuss these questions and more. Ask your questions on our group on !

When active, the Philosophy Society has met as much as once a month to discuss a topic, listen to a lecture, or watch a film. Meetings are informal and include refreshments. Bring a lunch, or just bring yourself. No philosophical background is expected, nor is it always advantageous. New members are welcome at any time. Come as often or as little as you like.

Other Philosophy Society events have included movies and pizza, happy hours, and an end-of-the-year picnic. If there's an event you'd like to see, make a suggestion!

If you are interested in being involved in the Philosophy Society, let the department know! The club needs student involvement. If you want to take charge and organize events, all the better! (And leadership like that looks great on a resume!)

Send e-mails of interest to either Dr. Moreman ( or Dr. Derksen (


Student Conference: each semester students will present their academic work with and in front of other philosophy scholars. If interested in submitting your work contact The papers will be published on our journal: . See some of the presentations from last year: