Request for New CSU Degree Program/Major (Bachelor's or Master's)

Flowchart for Creating a New Degree/Major (Bachelor's or Master's). Sample Timeline included

Below, you will find how a department may Fast Track a proposal, guidelines on proposals, and information from the CSU Chancellor regarding New Degree Programs and Majors. If you keep scrolling, you will find details on how to complete each of the 2 stages to create a New Degree.

Please see the web site for doctoral degree proposal formats.

Proposing a degree/major post-2025

Important Information on New Degree Programs/Majors

Proposals are subjected to system-level internal and external evaluation, through which reviewers seek evidence indicating that current campus budgetary support levels provide sufficient resources to establish and maintain the program. Review criteria include: curriculum, financial support, number and qualification of faculty, physical facilities, library holdings, responsiveness to societal need and regional and workforce needs, academic assessment plans, and compliance with all applicable CSU policies, state laws, and accreditation standards.

Only programs whose detailed degree proposals have been approved by the CSU Chancellor may enroll students. Campus Academic Plans appear in the Educational Policy Committee Agenda Item of the annual March meeting of the Board of Trustees.

From the CSU Office of the Chancellor

Per Coded Memo AA-2014-04: For [new] bachelor’s degree programs requiring more than 120 semester units, campuses are required to submit an exception request accompanied by a completed worksheet and curriculum map.

To ensure the integrity of the degree program, each approved degree title is to be associated with only one set of curricular requirements. Requirements in addition to the core curriculum may be achieved through use of a subprogram (an option, concentration, or special emphasis), as noted in . The program core shall represent the majority of required units so that the program's major core curriculum and associated student learning outcomes related to the core can be achieved by all enrolled students, regardless of subprogram pursued.

(See for more information on Executive Order 1071).

Academic Programs and Services deadlines are outlined in the . To summarize:

  • Stage 2 of your proposal must be submitted by February 1st of the Previous Calendar Year (1.5 years prior to Program Implementation)
  • Thus, it is important to submit Stage 1, Approval Process #1 of your proposal to Curriculog in Fall two calendar years prior to desired implementation.
  • Fast Track Proposals will follow a different timeline
In the case of a “Fast Track” proposal, the Academic Master Plan and Resource Implication proposal and the detailed degree proposal are sent to the Chancellor’s Office at the same time. Proposals are to be submitted in the academic year preceding projected implementation; the proposal should be approved by the College and forwarded to Academic Programs and Services for campus approval by the seventh week of the Fall Semester.

2 Stage Procedure to Create a New Degree Program/Major (Master's or Bachelor's)

Stage 1: Submit Master Plan via Curriculog

The Department chair initiates the Academic Master Plan and Resource Implication Proposal in Curriculog:

  1. Log into 
  2. Select the New Proposal Icon, new-proposal
  3. Select the "Others" Tab
  4. Select "Program - Degree/Major Academic Master Plan & Resource Implication"
  5. Select the "Start Proposal" icon checkmark to begin your proposal


Approval Process #1

Approval Process of the Academic Master Plan and Resource Implication

Once the Department Chair originates proposal of the Academic Master Plan and Resource Implication in  the proposal moves through the approval process as follows:
  1. Department Chair Approval
  2. Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.) If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds to the next step.
  3. Dean and/or Associate Dean Revew
  4. College Curriculum Committee
  5. Office of the Dean Approval
  6. Academic Programs and Services (Technical Review and Dean approval)
  7. Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR)
  8. Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC)
  9. Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom)
  10. Academic Senate
  11. University President
  12. CSU Office of the Chancellor, via Academic Programs and Services, for placement on the CSU Board of Trustees annual March meeting agenda*
  13. Academic Programs and Services notifies the college/department of the CSU BOT decision

Submitting your Detailed Proposal via Curriculog

Once you have been notified by Academic Programs and Services that your Academic Master Plan and Resource Implication has been approved, the Department Chair may initiate Stage 2 of the approval process by completing the New Degree Program Proposal, with the CSU New Degree Program proposal template submitted as an attachment.

The process for Stage 2 is as follows:

  1. Log into 
  2. Select the New Proposal Icon, new-proposal
  3. Select the "Programs" Tab
  4. Select "Program - Degree/Major - NEW"
  5. Select the "Start Proposal" icon checkmark to begin your proposal
  6. Before submitting, remember to fill out and attach the CSU New Degree Program proposal template
  7. Submit before February 1st, 1.5 years prior to implementation

Approval Process #2

Approving the Detailed New Degree Program Proposal

Once the New Degree/Major Proposal has been submitted, the proposal moves through a second and final Approval Process as follows: 

  1. Department Chair Approval
  2. Consultation (Newly approved curriculum reviewed by all Department Chairs and Associate Deans. Colleges/Departments have five working days to review proposals and submit any comments within Curriculog.) If no consultation is requested, proposal proceeds to the next step.
  3. Dean and/or Associate Dean Review
  4. College Curriculum Committee
  5. Office of the Dean Approvasdxczl
  6. Academic Programs and Services (Technical Review and Director, Associate Dean/Dean approval)
  7. Committee on Academic Planning and Resources (CAPR)
  8. Committee on Instruction and Curriculum (CIC)
  9. Executive Committee of the Academic Senate (ExCom)
  10. Academic Senate
  11. University President
  12. WASC Substantive Screening, via Academic Programs and Services
  13. CSU Office of the Chancellor, via Academic Programs and Services
  14. University Curriculum Coordinator facilitates the completion of the proposal and addition into the catalog